it was a long day.
really long.
i felt completely warn out by a deep conversation with a friend of mine who is really struggling with her boyfriend. it's so hard to see someone going through something like that and not just jump out in front of her hand raised high and scream at the top of your lungs "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? Don't you know you are worth so much more?" ...but alas, such remarks are not often well received and in the name of charity we must be respectful of the free-will of others. My heart breaks at the thought of how he treats her and the way he struggles to actually love. It is absolutely devastating to her fragile, young heart. It breaks her apart from him and from all of us who adore her.
then there was the coffee date with another friend who is feeling not-so-hot about his recent decision to join the Catholic church- WHEW!- that's heavy. his examination of all of us Catholics who are really not living out our faith, no less existing in the freedom that's available to those set free by Christ is causing him to reconsider joining us. and in reality, why would he if that's all he saw- a bunch of judgmental, self-righteous people? i surely wouldn't want any part of that. and even if i did it seems that it would be pretty difficult to get an in.
and then i went to K-Mart. it smells awful. for the miracle. None of that really matters (i mean it kind of matters, but...)
When we consider that the victory has been won and that we have infinitely more than all we could ask or imagine all at our fingertips the challenges and worries become minuscule. and it is possible. we CAN live there! with a little trust, a little faith, a little hope we CAN move those mountains, right into the sea! we can unite in suffering with those around us who are suffering, but only because we have been given the gift of uniting in suffering with the One who's sacrifice triumphed over all of it. Because of Him we can be in perfect communion now and in eternity.
and one last thing: my family is all in town for my cousin's wedding and i just spent the evening with them. despite my ridiculously long day and all of the grave matters that seemed to be arriving at my doorstep i got to spend hours with the people who have known me from day one (when i dressed up like a jelly bean for Halloween). for those few hours i knew exactly who i was and exactly where i fit in. and that's just a foretaste of the community that will come in eternity. dang, He really does love us- it IS a miracle.