Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday night and the lights are low...

It's Friday night at 6:21pm and I'm sitting in my bedroom wondering what to do tonight. Obvi I'm not going out on the town, but I have a good few hours before I hit the hay and I'm just not sure what to do with them. I think the problem is this- I'm caught between two worlds. One  world of carefree, creative, right-brain, timelessness and the other of structured, efficient, accomplished, left-brain, achievements. These two worlds make up my world, but neither seem to exist at the same time. I just can't seem to unwind after an intense week at work and I feel that I can either get a few things done around the house and be bound by time or go down to my studio and allow time to pass unnoticed while I make a new creation that will not help me to "check anything off my list." In light of the other, neither seems appealing.

Currently, I'm reading a book by Betty Edwards called "Drawing on the Right side of the Brain" which sheds light on crossing over between left and right brain. It's delightfully insightful on the topic and gives plenty of exercises and tips to make the switch. I've already seen my drawing skills improve and had a great time learning about the psychology on the topic.  The problem is that I can't seem to have both at the same time. Either I have zero awareness of time, cleanliness, or other normal restrictions and I'm wildly creative or I am structured, clean and bound to time like someone receiving an hourly wage and have no creative inklings.

What's a girl to do? Is there a middle ground? Can creativity and order exist simultaneously? Can life's metronome aid in the conception of new beauty? I don't know the answer, but I am going to test it out tonight. I'm going to do a couple of quick chores and then set the timer for two hours, pour another glass of wine, blast Astrud Gilberto, and head down to my studio. I'll keep you posted on the fruits of my labor.