My cousins
asking my aunt Kathy to dip their rolls into gravy... they looked like they were little kids or little chicks needing their mom to provide every bite for them. Precious!
Courtnie & Siena, Faunia & Lexie hanging out after dinner. I wonder if Siena is going to constantly remind Lexie that she's "older" (by only a few months) just like Faunia did to Courtnie ;)
Thanks, Pampered Chef, here's something to be thankful for!! You guys are genius for creating this miraculous time saving gadget to chop anything and everything! From onions to nuts, no job is too big or too small. I HIGHLY recommend one of these- especially if your dad insists upon transforming pistachios and cashews into fine dust the night before or day of any major holiday*. Check them out at the Pampered Chef website. I promise you won't be sorry!
*Heather and Philip, you might be the only ones who have any idea what I'm talking about.
Siena Grace was really enjoying her carrot... and then she was really enjoying my carrot...
Go Bronco's! We beat the New York Giants 26 to 6!! We got to see the torches on the score board more than a few times! You could feel the heat on your face when they erupted with flames and fire works.
What handsome company I had! I was thankful to be with my favorite fellas!
After about a dozen attempts we finally got some descent pictures of the three of us. And it took me and Phil almost that many to get one where we were both looking semi -normal...
There was one single Giant's fan in the entire stadium and he happened to be sitting 8 seats over and 3 rows up. He was a courageous little fellow- definitely tried and true. Any time they would have any kind of positive activity there he was hootin' and hollerin' and cheering for his team. If I were on a team I would want him as my fan.