Life is rough when you can't eat bread, chocolate, nuts, fruit...dairy... It's rough. Rough indeed. Here is a little list of all the foods that have kept me going these past 26 days. I know you can do it, girl! Don't give up! Love, Jen
Main Dishes:
Chicken Drumsticks -this is a new staple
Braised Chicken (just don't include the flour part)
Cauli rice I add chicken to this and sometimes do mexican seasoning instead
My ghetto chicken: in a pan I sauté onions and then put in as much chicken as possible (because I like having leftovers for salad etc) and add pepper, cayenne, lime or lemon. Cook it on both sides for a few minutes and serve with veggies or over chicken. The next day it's great over lettuce (keep some of the onions for the salad- it adds a lot of flavor) can also season with ginger instead or just salt and pepper
I pretty much cook all veggies in olive oil or coconut oil and chopped onion and garlic - kale, asparagus, green beans, peppers, zucchini, chopped brussel sprouts (that's good with a squeeze of lemon on top... or check out this recipe for brussel sprout hash)
Here are some things I've not tried, but might be good. These are just basics for ideas. Obviously if it asks for splenda etc. just omit. If it asks for canned tomato just chop tomatoes and put them in a pan to soften for a while.
Green chili with chicken (no cream...)
Frittata (take out the cheese and add peppers, onions, and tomatoes)
Beef Kebabs (nix the vinegar)
Carne Asada (obviously, no tortillas)
You can do it!! I'm so proud of you!