To fast from the clutter of everyday life- This is my Lenten sacrifice. The first-fruits of my time, my heart, my attention... these shall be offered to God. Oh! To live simply and to become more simple in my ways; it is only in simplicity that I can see the face of Christ and hear His voice. Only there can I begin to see who I really am. He gives the charge
take up the cross and follow me. Surely He knows how foolish and stumbling I am... on my own I cling more tightly to the clutter and complexity of my life, not the cross.
His response to my need is different. He comforts me without the
stuff, without the clutter and pretense. His ways are not my ways. His thoughts are not my thoughts. And yet, the charge is given
...be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect...What could this mean?? How can
I, a cluttery maze-like mess of a person, be perfect? be simple? be
It is by God's hand alone. Nothing I can do will straiten this crooked path. It is my adoption as a daughter-
only that- which removes the debris from this heart of mine... makes strait this crook

ed path and empties out these junk-filled cabinets. He invites me to participate, to give a wholehearted try, to offer those first-fruits. Lent is truly a gift, for it is my fruit that He will transform into His fruit- that is the God I serve. This Lent my prayer is that God will simplify my life and my heart. I am a Daughter and I long to be perfect like my Father.
*These pictures are from Saverinthecity.com and Cleveland.com respectively
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