This week, Dostoevsky's assertion, "beauty will save the world" has been falling into my life like the leaves in my yard, gently but constantly.
Since Sunday I have reveled in the completion of a sewing project, attended the Sufjan Stevens concert, and the Tenn St. art walk, salsa danced, explored Denver, and read JPII's letter to artists. These encounters with creativity have left me feeling alive and joyful.
Dostoevsky's claim about the monumental role of beauty is both invigorating and overwhelming. For if beauty is to save the world it is our duty as artists to further its cause.
But, as some wise men* once said"this world in which we live needs beauty in order not to sink into despair. Beauty, like truth, brings joy to the human heart and is that precious fruit which resists the erosion of time, which unites generations and enables them to be one in admiration."

I suppose if those charged with creativity are to make this world more beautiful than we must not fall into despair. At least we have joy in our hearts and are in solidarity with one another and with God in our participation in creation.
*The Fathers of the Pastoral Constitution of Guadium et Spes
Jen! The pillow looks great... thanks for accidentally telling me about your blog!