Why remember?
Today's copyblogger post titled Defy Convention (or be forgotten) speaks about Frida Kahlo, a Mexican folk painter who is known for her raw self portraits, complete with unibrow and faint mustache. I read the post along with a myriad of other emails as I started my day this morning. But Pamela Wilson, the article's author, hit close enough to home that I am still thinking of her as I get ready for bed this evening. Wilson asserts that we can all be memorable if we give people something to remember us by. And, she tells us, this doesn't just happen by accident, "She [Frida Kahlo] went against the conventions of the day and left her brows and upper lip au naturel in order to stand out. Those were, of course, just a few elements of the overall style that made her unforgettable. Everything about her — from her appearance to her paintings to her personal life — worked together to create a powerful message." She goes on to say that by speaking truth, taking a stand, having a distinguished style, and not going over the top for shock value's sake you can be memorable in your online marketing. I believe she's onto something, and it doesn't stop online. If we want to make a difference, to be truly excellent, and to accomplish our goals- displaying that desire in one single aspect of our life is not enough, it must be expressed in every area. May we be bold in our convictions and allow them to purvey our whole selves.
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